Coral reefs

 A for apple, B for ball, C for coral, d for- wait what?? C is for cat! Not for coral! Well, it is for coral. But still! Oh hey guys! I'm so glad I'm writing posts again! And not studying all the time! Studying is fun at times, but Studying ALL the time is definitely not 🙃! Hey! Let me tell you what I was studying! It's an interesting topic! The topic is: Coral reefs! Here is some info on coral reefs:

1. The great barrier reef is the biggest reef.

2. The chazzy reef is the oldest reef in the world. It is approximately 480 million years old

3. Coral reefs can live upto 500 million years.

4. Coral needs sunlight to grow.

5. The great barrier reef is bigger than Holland, Switzerland and the UK combined.

6. Coral is actually the exoskeleton of an organism called Coralium.

7.  Coral is one of the slowest growing organisms on earth.

8. Coral reefs are colorful because of the algae that grows on them.

So these are the facts. If you know any other fact,  please feel free to share in the comments. If you have an idea for a another post, fell free to share that too! I got an idea for this because I was studying a lot for this topic. So if you think I should make more posts about what I am currently learning,  put that in the comments too! Oh what am I doing! I'm asking you guys for too many things to put in the comments!  Anyways, I gotta leave! Byeee!!
