Hey guys! I'm on my way to my cousins house!! It takes 6 hours to get there. Right now, we are in the 4th hour! I see a HUGE mountain! And today I'm doing a live post! Well, I write it live but you will read it later! See you in the next big event!!
Guys! You will not guess what I just saw! It's a sign that said: Drive carefully, your family is waiting! What a coincidence!
Guys, we just got my favorite fruit. Ice apples! Now some of you may not know what ice apples are, ice apples are in the same family as coconuts, and they also have sweet, tasty water inside of them!
Hey guys! It's raining heavily here! I'm looking at it from my moon roof! A moon roof is like a sunroof, but it covers the entire sealing of the car. And one side doesn't open.
Hey guys! We reached about an hour ago and Me and my cousins are doing glass paintings! From the kit that we got during Christmas! And loom bands!
Good night guys! We are going catch some z's.
Good morning guys! We are going out to play!
Hey guys! Good afternoon! We just ate lunch! For breakfast, we ate noodles! We are probably gonna play the whole day! So see you tomorrow!
Hey guys! I'm soo tired! It's only 5am! We had to wake up cause we are going to a church!
Good afternoon guys! We are on our way to.... A river!! We are gonna swim there!! See you after the swim!
Hey guys! We just came to a place called fish land for lunch! Almost nothing on the menu was made with fish! But there are lots of animals there! There are chickens, cows, fish and so on!
Hello guys! I just woke up from a nap! The scenery is stunning!! There is soo much greenery!
Hey guys! We are in a mall! We are currently eating McDonald's for dinner!! And we are going home soon! Good night cause I can't write anything during the night time!
Hey guys! Good morning! we just finished playing with our water guns! I am soaking wet! Me and my cousins both!
Good afternoon guys! We are in drawing class! I will see you after!
Good night guys! We are going to sleep!
Good morning guys! Me, my sister and one of my cousins are trying to find my other cousin! It's walkie-talkie hide and seek! See you after!
Hey guys! Me and one of my cousins bought ice cream! Secretly!
Hey guys! We are eating dinner! It's been a long day! We had another drawing class today! But we love it!
Good night guys! We are going to another town tomorrow! So I need a good night's rest! It's actually a village! I am going tomorrow, but my cousins are coming day after! See you guys in the car! (: 😀
Hey guys! Good morning! I'm in the car now! Me and my sister were looking out in the sun roof! We just stopped for breakfast! See you in the car!
Hi guys! I'm sleepy! I'm going to take a nap now! See you later!
Hey guys! Just woke up from my nap! I just found out, that we are going to climb a mountain!! It has 1300 steps!
Guys!! We are half way on the mountain! The view is super duper stunning!! My family is tiered, so they said that I can go to the top! I'm gonna keep writing all the way up!
Guys! I'm scared. My family said that they can't see me anymore! But I'm gonna keep going!
Ugh! Guys, I made it into the temple but there are MORE STAIRS! I'm just gonna keep going!
Woah! This statue is HUGE! It's the second biggest statue in the country! Hmm.. now how do I get down? The stairs are really steep. But I think I can manage!
Hey guys! I reached down safely! That was so fun! Now we are going to the hotel! We also got some ice cream! and I got a fidget toy!
Hey guys! I just woke up from a nap! We are going to another temple! See you there!
Guys! It's drizzling! We are still going to go to the temple! It has lots of carvings on it! It's soo cool!
Hey guys! Now we are on the way to the hotel!! Finally! I'm gonna nap! See you at the hotel!
Hey guys! We are finally at the hotel! It's not that big. The coffees have NO SUGAR! Crazy right!? Anyways, now we are going to a temple with a floating pillar! I can't wait to see it!
Hey guys! The pillar is huge! But they sealed it on the bottom! So sad 😞! But it's okay! We found, A CARNIVAL!!!! We are going to it!!! See you there
Guys!! The carnival is huge!! Soo many rides! I'm going on the Ferris wheel first!
Guys!! The Ferris wheel is soo fast!! Incase you don't know what it is, this is it:🎡.
Guys! Next I'm going to this ride with spinning!!! chairs! People say that it goes really fast! I'm gonna go on it!
Hey guys! I'm dizzy! This ride went soo fast! But now, I going to the fastest ride in the park! the boat! Alone! My mom challenged me that, if I could go on the ride, without reacting, I would win a prize! I can definitely do it!
Hey guys! I can't believe it. But.. I just beat my mom's challenge!!!!! Now we are going to the room!
See you tomorrow!
Good morning guys! Today we are going to a first holy communion! My cousins are coming In between. We are also going to a pre - wedding ceremony! There is no internet there! I will tell you about it in the evening!
Good evening guys! We are back at our hotel! The day was amazing! So in the morning, we went to the first holy communion, as planned. I met one of my cousins and her little sister! We became instant friends! Turns out, she is my grandma's younger sister's granddaughter! Hard to type really! My cousins didn't exactly click with her like I did. Next, the pre wedding ceremony! Turns out, there is a wedding tomorrow!! We are going there. So stay tuned!
Good morning guys! I'm at the wedding! The decorations are awesome! We are leaving after the main ceremony! Because, we are going to another city!
Hey guys! For my first wedding, that wasn't bad! We're back on the road again! This time, many forests!
Hey guys! We are taking turns looking out in the sun roof! It's soo fun! See you at the hotel!
Hey guys! I just spotted a white monkey! It had a white face and white fur!
OMG!! THIS HOTEL IS AMAZING!!!! me and my cousins got a joint room! It even has a playroom!! (It's actually a meeting room which was declared playroom by us!) This place even has a mini pool!!!
Good night guys! We are going to sleep! For dinner, we ate pasta! See you tomorrow morning!
Hey guys! Good morning! We just ate breakfast! It was delicious! 😋 next, we Rae going to play in the mini pool!!! See you after!
Hey guys! It's been like 4 hours! We just came out, got ready and stuff. I got a cotton piece stuck inside my ear!! But my mom took it out with tweezers!
Hey guys! We are going to get some domino's pizza! And play some games at the mall! I can't wait!!! See you tomorrow!
Hey guys! Today we are going to a church!! See you when I get back!
Good afternoon guys!!! We just got back! I guess it's just playing from now on! See you tomorrow!
Good morning guys! We have another pre wedding ceremony! See you in the evening!
Hey guys! We just got back! The house we went to had live chickens and cats! We saw the chickens, but the cat ran away! Don't worry! She always comes back! We also have to go to an engagement ceremony! For the SAME person! But it's ok! See you after the engagement!
Hey guys! We just came back! The engagement was awesome! For my first one at least! We had so much fun! Tomorrow, a wedding!! This time, I'm a flower girl!! See you tomorrow!!!
Hey guys! Today, I will sadly be departing from my cousins 😢! And, also, we're at a wedding!! See you later!
Hey guys! Departure has begun ðŸ˜! Also, a story to tell! So I just finished my job as a flower girl, and was sitting with my cousins. But then, a close relative of the groom, (I can't tell you what type of relative) told me to sit behind the bride! And I did so through the wedding! And then, this happened! I left my cousins ðŸ˜! But we are going to a mountain! As backpackers! Backpackers are people that pack everything! For every climate, situation, and just go! Except, that we p5acked everything except sweaters! Every time, when we go backpacking, we never need sweaters. So we just left them behind!
Hey guys! I just looked out of the sunroof! It's cold! We are already climbing up a mountain! We are going to stop for lunch soon!
Hey guys! We stopped for lunch! It was good! See you later!
Hey guys! We are almost at the top of our mountain! (The one we are staying in) it's soo foggy, that we can barely see the road! See you at our hotel!
Hey guys! We reached! It's literally raining, and it's like, 18 degrees. Soo cold! Anyways, see you tomorrow!
Hey guys! We just came out for breakfast. It is 17 degrees now. We are leaving today. By tomorrow night, we will be home. It's all planned from now on. See you later!
Hey guys! We are in a real forest!! It has tigers!! We might see one if we are lucky! Stay tuned!!
Hey guys! Soo many monkeys!! And cows! I want to spot atleast one other animal other than monkeys and cows!
Peacocks! I FOUND PEACOCKS 🦚!!! Soo colorful!! Anyways, I will see you at the hotel. Byee!
Hey guys! This is an Indian style 5 star hotel! The bed looks cool! This place even has a pool!! A real one this time! We will swim tomorrow!! See you in the morning! I can't wait to go home!!
Hey guys! Breakfast was delicious! Now, we are going to the pool!! See you after our swim!
Hey guys! We are in the car now. Traveling home! I cant wait to see my little bird! Oh, and did I mention that, Poly's birthday was on 5th may? Well anyways, see you at my house!
Hey guys! we are almost home! we are at a shop to get some dinner! I got Cheesy cup noodles, Lychee juice and some Doritos.
Hey guys! we are finally home!!!! Poly instantly came out! Thank you guys so, so much for following me on my trip! Byee!
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