Hey guys! I've reached.. 1500 VIEWS!!!.. Well, 1691 to be exact. Thanks to you guys, I have 1500 views!! To me, every view counts. So you guys understand how big this is for me! It's been almost a year since I started rainbow blogs. I've learned a lot about punctuations since I started. I learned to think and imagine beyond my limits! And of course, I've shared all my experiences with you all! So on this post, comment down your favorite post! I will make another one just like that! Fun fact: did you know that Shakespeare invented 1500 words when he was writing plays! Also, my exams are coming up so I might write fewer posts than ever! Well, this is a good way to start the month of March! Also, do you know that.. that.. JUNE MOVED TO AMERICA IN DECEMBER!!!!!!! 😭😭😭. But we still talk every weekend. So I guess that it's not that sad now. I kinda got used to it. I was waiting to reveal it at 1500 views. Also, do NOT try my emailing me for a few days. Please tell me ideas for more posts. I am so lost. I have exactly 58 posts including this one. So I  ran out of ideas.

This has been soo great finally telling the problems that I face in blogging to someone 😅.  Still, I LOVE blogging.  Also, do you know, that my classmate, Angelina, has a blog! The link is down below. So I will see you in my next post. Byee!!

Link: https://mymagicaldiary535129793.wordpress.com
