French Fun 2

 Hey guys! you probably remember my post: French Fun, right? well, this is a continuation, if you haven't seen it yet, check it out next! it was one of my first posts so, you can search for it in the search bar. Here are the words:

1. ou - where

2. ensweet - then

3. fameill - family

4. oazu - bird

5. aun dua - out

6. toujzu - forever

7. arc aun sel - rainbow

8. shay - chair

9. suhi - mouse

10. soth - are

11. sheval - horse (male)

12. jumaut - horse (female)

13. au revoir - bye

14. la frauce - France

15. pari - Paris

So, that's it for this post, see you next time! au revoir!
