Race To The Finish Line! 🚗

 Hey Hey! How are you guys! today I am going to talk about.. RACE CARS!. here is some info on race cars:

Auto racing or car racing is a motorsport involving the racing of automobiles (cars) for competition. Auto racing has existed since the invention of the automobiles. Races of various sorts were organised, with the first recorded as early as 1867. 

Fun Fact: Did you know that the first race was conducted on  August 30, 1867, well you do now! if you know anything share it in the comment section down below! I will surely read your comment and add it to the post!. If you want more athletic posts, share that too! I always take time to read comments and reply.

One of the most popular toy race car company is called Hot wheels. There is a picture down below ⬇. so that's all for this post. see you never! Oh I mean see you later! Byeeeee!

Auto racing - WikipediaMulticolor Hot Wheels Car, Knick Knack | ID: 14108714512
