Woah! they look like underwater unicorns!... Oh hey guys! I was just studying about narwhals! wanna leans too? if you do continue reading...
Narwhals can survive at depths where there is intense pressure and no oxygen due to some key adaptations. First, they have a compressible rib cage that is flexible, enabling the body to be squeezed as the water depth increases. Narwhals are well adapted to the arctic marine environment in which they live. Narwhals have a streamline body with two dorsal flippers and lack a dorsal fin. Propulsion comes from their tail. They have a thick layer of blubber to protect their bodies from the cold. During summer, male narwhals in Arctic waters can be seen crossing tusks with each other, an activity called “tusking.” At the same time, the whales make whistling sounds. Scientists have long thought this behavior showed in males only.The narwhal or narwhale is a medium-sized toothed whale that possesses a large "tusk" from a protruding canine tooth. It lives year-round in the Arctic waters around Greenland, Canada, and Russia. It is one of two living species of whale in the family Monodontidae, along with the beluga whale. Narwhals live to at least 25 years old, and may live up to 50 years. After a gestation of about 13 to 16 months, narwhals give birth to a single calf in summer (July through August). Calves nurse from their mother for at least a year. Calves are 5.2 feet in length and 176.4 pounds at birth. What do narwhals eat? Narwhals feed on Greenland halibut, Arctic and polar cod, squid and shrimp. They do their chomping at the ice floe edge and in the ice-free summer waters. Narwhals are not mythical creatures but known as unicorns of the sea. They are "toothed whales" so obviously have teeth in their mouths. They spear their food, and are as aggressive and dangerous as they look.
Well, this is it guys see you in the next post.. Byee!!!!!!!
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